Emma Rauf Jutt

Jumat, 21 September 2012

Always smile, give smile to others it's not hard...m sure with smile make myself  healthy and make others people around you happy..so then fulfill your day with smile and good thinking...have a rocking day my friends.

Jumat, 24 Agustus 2012

I believe that positive thinking can influence a person to become more motivated and more successful because optimism is positively correlated with productivity and good health according to scientific studies.

Kamis, 16 Agustus 2012

Love On The Internet
Though I wasn't looking for anyone new,
One day I got e- mail and in it was you.
Charming, sensitive and so debonair,
I strongly resisted it go anywhere.

But letters and stories captured my heart,
Filled me with passion almost from the start.
Love on the Internet, how could it be?
These things just don't happen to people like me.

But doves and butterflies flew into our lives,
Carrying messages we could not deny.
Each person has meaning and love to express,
And we could deny our hearts nothing less.

It's a beautiful love that has grown between us,
Something beyond any words we discuss.
Much deeper than LOL, cyber kisses and such,
Far down to our souls, beyond human touch.

My love's not confined by what it can see,
I feel you, I taste you, I experience your dream.
Close my eyes, and I envision what in my heart I can hear,
"Love knows no boundaries, no distance, no fear."

It's the soul that captures God's love in a way
That eternally melts hearts together to stay.
Fused and sealed forever as one,
Love has its way and new life is begun.

Quiet Emotions
I always wanted more from you
than you were willing to give;
So now we've gone our separate ways
each with different lives to live.

The bond will always be there
the friendship always intact;
But the time for us has come and gone
and the pages of time, you can't turn back.

I will always be a friend to you
and wonder how you are;
The smiles and laughter I will remember
and our fights have become painless scars.

Sometimes on those busy days
when you've a thousand things to do;
Please let me glide slowly through your mind
and spend some time with you.

In that quiet moment
when you're surprised to find me there;
Just remember even with the distance between us
I am still someone who cares.

Moment in Time
We talked,
We walked,
for a Moment in Time.

You passed through my life that day and left your mark.
You may never pass my way again,
Or you may stay for a lifetime.

No matter what,
I want to say thank you for the impression you made
that will stay with me for eternity.

I enjoyed the walk,
I enjoyed the talk.
I am blessed for that moment in time.

The first time I saw you I knew you would affect my life,
though your role I did not know.
I asked myself, "Why is he alone?
Why does he sit so quiet, all alone?
Is he sad?
Is he glad to be alone?
Is he alone?
Is he lonely? "
There is so much I want to know.

I asked myself, "Why him?
When so many people pass through my life each day,
why him? "

What attracts me to you?
What makes me want to know more?
I want to know.

Even if my questions are never answered,
There is one thing I want you to know.
I have been blessed by the effect you had on me in that
Moment in Time.

The Miracle
There is a majestic quality-
In everyone for all to see.
Some keep it hidden, some never realize-
The magnificence they hold in others' eyes.

Ah, yes, life itself is the gift.
Though the memory, itself, Time doth sift.
And some might think the reverence gone-
As those we love one by one pass on.

But the intricacies Fate doth weave-
In commemoration for all who grieve.
Are the blessings given to rebirth-
From souls no-longer of this earth.

At first notice I came undone,
My father staring at me through my son.
But, now, in joy I ascertain-
Through him, my father lives again.

I look to heavens' resounding grace-
Renewed appreciation of life and my place.
Knowing as each newborn child opens their eyes-
The miracle continues, no one really dies.

Rabu, 15 Agustus 2012

maybe m looks sad in this photo but m thinking how to be a success women and all people will proud of me as a great women.
Don't live your life with anger and hate in your heart
You'll only be hurting yourself more than the people
you hate...Mhar.
How to feel better with positive thinking,do anything you want it ,as long as make you happy and never give up in life.
- make a new creativity
-build new business from basic
-don't hope but must sure
-don't feel down if fail
-Grateful to anything u have.

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

 "The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day that your life really begins." 
Bob Moawad
Draw good things into your life. Eliminate fears created by negative impacts and go about your life feeling completely in control and protected.
The Emotional Freedom Techniques aka EFT is a form of psychological acupressure for clearing and healing emotional issues.
Most people use the EFT Shortcut Method as shown in one of my other videos but just occasionally you might get stuck and not be getting the results you expect. When that happens its time to fall back to the full EFT Basic Recipe which has a lot built in to it to cover all the bases such as the 9 Gamut Procedure and tapping on the finger points.
M Using this EFT tapping everyday and help me a lot and u can try this...

Affirmations used in this video:

I am grateful that my immune system detoxes me so quickly

I am grateful that my body knows how to keep me feeling healthy & happy

I am grateful that I am full of energy & confidence

I am grateful that I find every challenge easy and enjoyable

I am grateful that I am in control and I love feeling abundant in every way

I am grateful that I love and accept myself just the way I am

I am grateful that I am loved and supported by all around me

I am grateful that my immune system detoxes me so quickly

I am grateful that my body knows how to keep me feeling healthy & happy

I am grateful that I am full of energy & confidence

I am grateful that I find every challenge easy and enjoyable

I am grateful that I am in control and I love feeling abundant in every way

I am grateful that I love and accept myself just the way I am

I am grateful that I am loved and supported by all around me

I am grateful that I am a good person and deserve my healthy body

I am grateful that my body is feeling stronger and healthier every day

I am grateful that my back is stronger and straighter and more flexible

I am grateful that I eat whatever I want and digest it with ease

I am grateful that I love my healthy throat that supports me everyday

I am grateful that I am perfectly healthy in body, mind and spirit.

I am grateful that I have all the energy I need to accomplish my goals

I am grateful that My body is healed, revitalized and filled with energy.

I am grateful that I am in control of my health and wellness

I am grateful that I am healthy in all aspects of my being

I am grateful that I am always able to maintain my ideal weight

I am grateful that My mind is at peace and I love who I am

I am grateful that I love and care for my body and it cares for me

I am grateful that I have a healthy heart and a strong set of lungs.

I am grateful that I believe in myself I am very good at what I do

I am grateful that I am always in the right place at the right time

I am grateful that I manifest money easily and I deserve my abundant life

I am grateful that I have abundant energy, vitality and well-being

I am grateful that Money flows easily to me

I am grateful that I love the freedom and joy that money brings to me

I am grateful that I am good enough to ask for what I want

I am grateful that I am grateful that I am in harmony with wealth and abundance

I am grateful that I deserve the very best because I am worth it

I am grateful that I trust my intuition that guides me every day to make the right decisions

I am grateful that my sleep is relaxed and refreshing

I am grateful that I wake up every day feeling energized, happy and loving

I am grateful for my ability to forgive and let go

I am grateful for my brilliant self... I am growing beyond belief

I love myself unconditionally and I am grateful for my strength, courage and determination to succeed.

Senin, 30 April 2012